更高的透明度,更高的可用性:憑藉其新的Service Manager應用程式,Linde Material Handling可讓客戶直接訪問其服務網絡。移動應用程序允許使用智能手機全天候啟動服務訂單。另一個好處是用戶不斷地了解當前的訂單狀態
更高的透明度,更高的可用性:憑藉其新的Service Manager應用程序,Linde Material Handling可讓客戶直接訪問其服務網絡。移動應用程序允許使用智能手機全天候啟動服務訂單。另一個好處是用戶不斷地了解當前的訂單狀態
具體而言,使用移動應用程序創建服務訂單(適用於Android和iOS,可以從Google Play商店或Apple App Store免費下載),其工作原理如下:如果卡車發生故障,則首先從存儲在應用程序中的車隊列表中選擇相關模型,或掃描附加到車輛的QR碼。然後他可以選擇描述故障情況或上傳照片。此信息將發送給車隊經理,車隊經理要不拒絕服務請求或將其轉發給林德服務人員。
The app keeps the user informed about all further processing steps relating to his request: For example, it indicates when the service technician is expected to arrive and displays an overview of all current service requests and upcoming maintenance appointments. “Transparency is extremely important for fleet managers. In this way, they always know exactly which trucks are available – so that they can plan assignments accordingly,” says Rohe. The app also stores data on the operating status of the individual trucks. For example, a green dot indicates that there is no pending service activity for the vehicle. Recent operating hours are also specified.